Intro Luis Neida Blas Leiner Outro

The unthinkable

On February 18th 2000 everything changes for the people in El Salado, the Salaeros.


450 paramilitary forces surround the village closing in from all of its three entrance streets.


On the farms at the outskirts of El  Salado they kill 18 people. Then they enter the village.


After four days of torture and murder at least 66 villagers* are dead.


The paramilitary forces, using heavy trucks and two helicopters, retreat without being stopped by the military.


*Confirmed numbers of victims, many more are suspected dead

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Women &



The paramilitary forces wanted to eradicate El Salado from the map to leave no hiding place for the guerrilla.


But the ease of how they did it without resistence raises questions. NSA intelligence cables suggest the unthinkable.


The cable reads (click): "[Source] believes that the Army likely knew (..) that the paramilitaries were in the area, but left prior to the massacre."


Only 15 paramilitary fighters who went  to El Salado were ever apprehended. US intelligence suggests (click) that the AUC are a "not actively persecuted paramilitary group because (the government) see them as allies in the fight against the guerrillas, their common enemy."


However, an official and intensive investigation of the Colombian authorities found no links between state forces and AUC.


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A fresh start



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